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Ah, HBT1—a mysterious acronym that sounds like it could be the name of a secret agent or a cutting-edge spaceship!  But fear not, I won’t leave you hanging in suspense. Let’s unravel this enigma together.

HBT1 is a little-known smart drug compound that has piqued the interest of some of the more exploratory and experienced nootropic enthusiasts.

It’s been making waves in certain corners of the internet – particularly that pioneering fringe in the nootropic Reddit user groups.

But should you use HBT1? How does it feel, what’s the HBT1 safety profile like, and are user experiences worth the significant price?

What Is HBT1?

HBT1 is a novel AMPA receptor potentiator. Now, before your eyes glaze over, let’s break that down.

1. AMPA receptors are a type of receptor found in the brain. They play a crucial role in synaptic transmission, which is how neurons communicate with each other.

2. When we say something is an AMPA receptor potentiator, it means it enhances the function of these receptors. Think of it as giving them a little boost, like a motivational pep talk for brain cells.

3. The intriguing part about HBT1 is that it supposedly has lower agonistic effects compared to some other compounds. Translation: It doesn’t go overboard and cause that undesirable “bell-shaped response” when it comes to releasing BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). In simpler terms, it might promote BDNF release without the need for dosage acrobatics.

4. BDNF is like brain fertilizer—it encourages the growth and maintenance of neurons. So, anything that nudges it in the right direction is worth trying, right? Well, it depends on how long you going to use this for as they don’t just grow like leaves on a tree.

What’s The Catch?

So initial investigations here will tell you that it could be significant. In fact, when people describe how it feels to them, it really is notable. But there is a catch, in fact two catches.

Firstly, HBT1 doesn’t come cheap. At around $80 per gram, it’s not exactly pocket change. If you’re planning on daily dosing, well, your wallet might start giving you disapproving looks.

But hey, cognitive enhancement isn’t always a budget-friendly pursuit, right? Sometimes we’ve got to invest in our brain cells to get the most out of them, or to push yourself to the edge of what you can achieve.

Secondly, is the reported HBT1 dosage needed. Obviously it’s very personal, but dosages of between 250 mg and 500 mg are noted as being needed to feel the significant, performance and cognitive power housing, effects needed to make it worth using.

When this stuff is costing around $80 for a gram, you getting two, three, or maybe for doses for that money, which is not efficient or affordable unless money isn’t really an issue for you.

The Nootropic Community’s Verdict On HBT1

Now, let’s peek behind the curtain. Some folks on Reddit have been discussing HBT1. Sure, there are some real brain dead idiots on their, and many have never actually taken what they claim to, but there is a seam are pure gold if you look for it on the nootropic subreddits.

Opinions vary. Some are intrigued and have ordered their own supply, ready to embark on their personal brain-boosting adventure. Others are still scratching their heads, wondering if it’s worth the hype.

As with any nootropic, individual responses can be as diverse as a box of assorted chocolates. But there are some trends in terms of the effects, safety profile, and value for money, so let’s just dive in a little deeper now.

Brain Boosting With HBT1: How Does It Work?

HBT1 works on the AMPA Receptors. Imagine the AMPA receptors in your brain as eager little gatekeepers at the synapses. They’re responsible for fast neuronal communication.

Now, HBT1 waltzes in like a suave diplomat, whispering sweet nothings to these receptors. It’s an AMPA positive allosteric modulator (PAM)—a fancy way of saying it enhances AMPA receptor function.

But here’s the intriguing part for you, some other compounds, HBT1 doesn’t go all “bell-shaped response” in its response. To explain that more simply, it doesn’t throw a party so wild that it ends up stifling the release of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor).

BDNF is like the VIP guest list for neuron growth and maintenance. So, HBT1 might encourage BDNF release without requiring dosage acrobatics.

Top 5 HBT1 Cognitive Effects & Benefits

1. Enhanced Cognitive Performance.

Picture your brain cells doing a synchronized dance routine. Well, HBT1 is a brilliant choreographer. As an AMPA receptor potentiator, it encourages these receptors to perform at their peak for hours on end.

The result? Improved synaptic transmission, sharper focus, and mental clarity. Think of it as brain jazz—a harmonious blend of neurons riffing off each other.

Seriously, if you get the dose right, this stuff is awesome. It’s one of the best experiences you will have, and it will deliver the following:

  • Extreme visual clarity (like going from 720P to UHD)
  • Significant increase in cognitive performance
  • Faster memory recall
  • Better memory formation
  • Short-term memory boost
  • Plugs in a rich creative upgrade
  • Better fluency and peak verbal skills

2. BDNF Boost (Without the Drama).

Ah, BDNF—the brain’s cheerleader, waving pom-poms for neuron growth and maintenance. Now, some compounds can be drama queens, causing a “bell-shaped response” when it comes to BDNF release.

Not HBT1, though. It’s like the level-headed friend who nudges BDNF without overdoing it. No dosage acrobatics required; just steady encouragement.

On the downside, to get this fantastic level of consistency you will need a high dose of up to 500 mg.

Unlike certain nootropics that turn your brain into a disco ball, HBT1 keeps a low profile. No psychotomimetic shenanigans or emotional rollercoasters. It’s the James Bond of cognitive enhancers—cool, collected, and ready for action.

Is HBT1 Like Ketamine?

HBT1, is an AMPA receptor potentiator. Picture it as the James Bond of brain receptors—enhancing communication between neurons, but without the tuxedo and shaken martinis. I know, that’s really cheesy, but we have to cater to the entire audience.

HBT1 shares some common ground with ketamine. Both aim to combat depression by activating AMPA receptors and unleashing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). It’s like they’re part of the same secret society for mood elevation.

Brain exploding through the HBT1 experience

Obviously though, ketamine is in a different ballpark the risk factors, and it’s not something that anyone saying be going near in order to improve the cognitive self.

Some AMPA receptor potentiators have a penchant for narrow bell-shaped responses (like a finicky diva at a concert) and a poor safety margin against seizures.

There are two very similar ones to  HBT1 four TAK-137 and TAK-653 this pair of novel AMPA-R potentiators—TAK-137 and TAK-653— seem to produce lower agonistic activity.

However, good luck finding either of them for sale, even if you wanted to try something so incredibly new and untested in your brain.

HBT1 Data Sheet – Technical Details

Application: Novel AMPA Receptor Potentiator

CAS: 489408-02-8

Molar Mass: 386.39 g/mol

Chemical Formula: C16H17F3N4O2S

IUPAC Name: 2-(((5-methyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)acetyl)amino)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1-benzothiophene-3-carboxamide, N-[3-(Aminocarbonyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thien-2-yl]-5-methyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-1-acetamide

Synonyms: HBT1, HBT-1, HBT 1, HBT1p, HBT1_YEAST, Crem, YDL223C

Storage: Store at room temperature, tightly sealed, away from heat, light and moisture

Solubility: DMSO

Organoleptic Profile: Fine, off-white powder

Physical Form: Solid

HBT1 Side Effects & Warnings

Psychotomimetic Shenanigans: Unlike ketamine, which sometimes makes people feel like they’re starring in their own psychedelic movie, HBT1 seems to keep its cool. No dissociative properties or impromptu interpretive dances. However, some people do report very uneven experiences.

Seizure Showdown: Remember those narrow bell-shaped responses? Well, HBT1 aims to avoid that trap. It’s like a secret agent who knows when to blend in and when to vanish into the shadows. Again though, this is very personal and we just don’t know if the data stacks up on that.

Wallet Woes: Okay, this isn’t a side effect per se, but at around $80 per gram, HBT1 might make your wallet raise an eyebrow. It’s like the Bond villain demanding an exorbitant ransom.

How I Felt Using HBT1 (WoW..but wow)

Look, my user experience for an afternoon on HBT1 was pretty incredible. But it was only obtained after realising the dose had to be very high.

I tried 100 mg, and felt absolutely nothing. I left a couple of days, and doubled the dose. Again, I felt nothing.

Looking at some user reviews on Reddit, I went straight in at 500 mg the third time. Wow, that was a different universe.

On the downside, the only way to really get this powder inside you is intranasal. Otherwise, you lose the potency that you need to get the dose hitting the right spot all at once.

If you don’t do that, it won’t pass the blood-brain barrier. Also, in the stomach, it will be hydrolyzed, and utterly useless.

The only way in for me was through nerves that are exposed inside the nasal cavity. It worked a treat, but there are downsides.

500 mg of powder is quite a lot. I took it in 100 mg increments on our part. When it gets damp it forms a paste like substance in your nasal cavity, and it’s not pleasant at all.

But when it hit, my God did it hit. In the space of an hour my reaction times like lightning, I felt like I was moving as fast as Superman.

Everything was just super fast and smooth. Reactions, thoughts, vision, it all just felt like I had been given godlike qualities. I’m not exaggerating, it’s the best I’ve ever felt using a nootropic substance.

I felt content, refreshed, on form. You know when you’re feeling at your absolute best at a moment in life, but then it doles as you age, well it was like recapturing that perfect moment.

But before you get excited, it rides off into the sunset after about six hours, and is completely gone in less than a day after administering such a large dose.

I did feel I’d learned a lot from the experience, but three days on I was still suffering from ingesting all that powder intra-nasally and it cost me $40 to do it.

HBT1 Pros & Cons

Let’s look at the HBT1 pros first:

  • Incredible experience
  • Sharpens every sense
  • Responses are incredible
  • You will feel anything else like this

However, the HBT1 cons are significant:

  • It takes a lot of powder up the nose to get the effect
  • Cost is prohibitive for most people
  • I don’t feel you’ll recapture that first perfect experience
  • Simply not practical nootropic anyone can recommend

Where To Buy HBT1 Nootropic

I’ve painted a mixed picture here, and I know it will put some people off. I’m here to tell you the truth though, not to just sell you stuff.

buy HBT1 powder tub

If you try it just once, and can handle the powder up your nose, then HBT1 will give you an incredible experience. In fact, when you can buy a 1 gram tub of powder, you’ll get a pair of great experiences.

On the downside, it’s expensive, tough to take and use, and overall I wouldn’t recommend it as something you rely on.

The best place to buy HBT1 is from Based in the USA, they still ship globally, with free shipping on higher-priced orders.

So if you’d like to give it a try, then click here to buy HBT1 now.

Which Nootropic Compounds Give Similar HBT1 User Experiences?

It is going to give you the same experience, but from the compounds I’ve used over the years, these are the ones that will get you closest:

1. Flmodafinil – click here to buy Flmodafinil

2. Noopept – click here for review – click here to buy Noopept

3. L-Theanine & Caffeine – click here to buy L-Theanine

The last one is obviously the mildest, but I’ve found that a dose of 400 mg of L-Theanine and 400mg of Caffeine gets you pretty damn close for an hour or so.

Be careful if you’ve got anxiety or anything wrong with your heart though, because 400 mg is a lot of caffeine.

Categories: Nootropics

Mr SmartDrugs

Nootropics Junkie aims to be the ultimate Nootropics guide out there, giving you REALISTIC information about smart drugs. We cover nootropic effects, safety, best practises, safety and side effects, and where to buy nootropics that are 100% pure and safe to experiment safely with.